03 Apr, 2023

How To Make Passive Income With DeFi: A Complete Guide For 2024

how to make passive income with defi


This guide explains how to make passive income in 2024 through DeFi (Decentralized Finance). This is achieved using various strategies such as lending, borrowing, staking, and yield farming.

This guide covers the basics of DeFi and highlights the potential risks and rewards associated with DeFi. In addition to specific platforms and protocols to consider for earning passive income. Sit back, relax, and let us work hard while you benefit.

Decentralized Finance: Earning passive income with DeFi.

Passive income has long been known as the first and most effective means of wealth creation. This is a known fact in traditional bank business models. However, all sorts of investment vehicles to earn money without actively working exist in other real-world platforms. These include bond and index funds, Real estate investment trusts, rental properties, private equity, etc.

Therefore, the nascent blockchain technology has birthed new ways to generate passive income through its brainchild, Decentralized Finance (DeFi).

Here, you will discover everything you need to know about earning passive income with DeFi protocols. You will learn about Defi staking, Defi yield farming (liquidity mining), the best passive income strategies, and everything else. Ultimately, you will be fully equipped to successfully navigate the DeFi protocol ecosystem and earn passive income.

What Is DeFi?

What is decentralized finance? Source: Ivan On Tech Academy

But let’s start from the beginning. What is DeFi? Decentralized Finance (DeFi) offers individuals trading and investment opportunities and profits compared to traditional financial systems.

This means that traditional Finance is based on centralized exchanges. DeFi applications are open-source, decentralized, and don’t require intermediaries like central banks or governments to function.

DeFi applications and protocols offer various financial products, including peer-to-peer lending, borrowing, trading, insurance, and prediction markets. They have also created new financial instruments using smart contracts.

What Are The Advantages Of DeFi

Compared to traditional finance, decentralized finance (DeFi) offers several benefits, including:

  • Transparency: Notably, all transactions of decentralized Finance are recorded on a public blockchain, making them transparent and auditable.
  • Accessibility: DeFi allows anyone with crypto assets and an internet connection to access financial services. Like depositing funds, earning interest on payments, etc., regardless of location or credit history.
  • Censorship-resistance: Another benefit of decentralized finance is that transactions are not processed through centralized exchanges, making them resistant to censorship.
  • Immutability: Once transactions are recorded on the blockchain, they become immutable, which implies that they cannot be altered or deleted.
  • Interoperability: Open protocols enable decentralized finance platforms to interact with one another, which permits the creation of a broad range of financial services on top of them.
  • High yields: Some DeFi protocols offer higher yields and interest rates on assets than traditional financial institutions, depending on the yield aggregator.
  • Automated and self-executing: Fully automating and self-executing DeFi protocols reduce the need for intermediaries, increase efficiency, and significantly diminish transaction fees.
  • Programmable money: One major benefit of DeFi protocols is their programmability, which enables customization and automation of specific functions like automatic payments or interest accrual.
  • Decentralized: The decentralization of DeFi protocols, which implies that no single entity or organization controls them, renders them more resilient and secure.

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Defi staking

DeFi staking is another way to earn passive income. Staking is holding or locking up crypto tokens and other assets in a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform to earn rewards.

This is similar to traditional “staking” in blockchain networks’ proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanism, where users hold coins in a wallet and maintain the network’s security by validating transactions.

In decentralized Finance, staking can also refer to lending or borrowing assets from other platforms, providing liquidity to decentralized exchanges, and participating in the governance of decentralized protocols.

The returns for engaging in these activities are paid differently, depending on the specific platform and current market conditions.

Defi yield farming (liquidity mining)

Yield farming, also known as liquidity mining, is a process by which individuals can earn returns on their digital assets by providing liquidity to DeFi protocols. Usually, the process involves depositing crypto assets into a liquidity pool and receiving a share of the fees generated on any decentralized exchange within the pool.

The returns earned from liquidity pools can come as additional digital assets distributed as rewards to liquidity providers. Yield farms are a relatively new and rapidly evolving concept within the DeFi space and are a way to have highly liquid pools and earn high returns on tokens invested in the liquidity pool.

What are the Best DeFi Passive Income Strategies?


Lending is one of the most popular DeFi passive income strategies. Users can use DeFi lending platforms such as Aave and Compound to lend their cryptocurrency assets. By doing so, they can earn rewards on their deposited assets.

It’s a low-risk way to earn passive income, as the assets are still in the user’s possession, and they can withdraw them from the lending protocols at any time.


Staking is another popular DeFi passive income strategy. Users can stake their assets on DeFi platforms such as Cosmos and Polkadot. By doing so, they can earn a return on their investment.

Staking requires the user to hold and lock up their assets for a certain period, but the returns can be higher than lending.

Inside Defi yield farming. Image by Defi Prime
Staking in DeFi.

Yield Farming

Yield farming is a newer strategy that has gained popularity in DeFi. It involves lending or staking assets on DeFi protocols to earn rewards depending on the investment rates on the smart contracts.

The returns on yield farming can be higher than lending or staking, but it also carries more risk as these protocols are relatively new and untested.

Becoming a Liquidity Provider

Another strategy for earning passive income in DeFi is to become a liquidity provider.

As a liquidity provider, you can provide liquidity to decentralized exchanges (DEXs) such as Uniswap and SushiSwap by depositing assets into liquidity pools.

This allows you to earn a share of the trading fees. In addition, it is a relatively low-risk strategy, as the assets are still in your possession, and you can withdraw them at any time.

Holding and staking governance tokens of DeFi protocols is another DeFi passive income work or strategy. This strategy allows you to earn a return on investment and have a say in protocol decisions. It is considered high-risk as the value of these tokens is highly volatile, and the protocol’s success is uncertain.

Providing Liquidity
Liquidity Provider.

Deposit Crypto For an APY

Depositing crypto for APY, or annual percentage yield, is a way to earn a return on your cryptocurrency assets without actively trading or managing them. You earn interest on your assets when you deposit crypto into an APY platform. Popular ways to deposit crypto for APY include lending as well as staking.

The platform’s supply and demand of assets typically determine the interest rate, or APY, which can vary over time. Additionally, it is worth noting that market conditions and the platform’s stability can also impact the APY.

Risks of Passive Income with DeFi

Earning passive income through DeFi-based platforms can come with several risks. Some of the most significant risks include the following:

  • Smart contract risk: DeFi platforms use smart contracts to automate lending and borrowing. If there is a bug or vulnerability in the smart contract, it could result in the loss of assets.
  • Liquidity risk: When providing liquidity to decentralized exchanges (DEXs) or yield farming, you essentially buy and sell assets to earn returns. If the value of the assets decreases, you might end up with assets worth less than what you initially invested.
  • Market risk: The value of cryptocurrencies and DeFi assets can be highly volatile and fluctuate rapidly. This can result in significant losses if the market conditions change.
  • Protocol risk: DeFi protocols’ success involves uncertainty and volatility; if the protocol fails, you may lose your assets.
  • Hack risk: Decentralized finance platforms are based on blockchain technology, which can be vulnerable to hacking and other cyber attacks. If a decentralized finance platform is hacked, users’ assets may be stolen.
  • Regulatory risk: DeFi is a relatively new and rapidly evolving field, and the regulatory environment is still uncertain. Regulation changes could significantly impact the value of DeFi assets and the functionality of the platforms.

What is the difference between staking, yield farming, and liquidity mining?

Yield farming, staking, and liquidity mining are all strategies for earning passive income in the DeFi space. However, they have some key differences though. Yield farming involves lending or staking assets on DeFi protocols to earn a return on investment. The returns come as interest, rewards, or trading fees.

Staking involves holding and locking up assets in a PoS blockchain network. This is done to maintain the network by validating transactions; returns tend to be more stable and predictable.

Finally, Liquidity mining is a strategy where users provide liquidity to decentralized exchanges (DEXs). This is done by depositing assets into liquidity pools; the returns tend to be lower but more stable and predictable.

The Bottom Line

In conclusion, Decentralized Finance (DeFi) offers various opportunities for earning passive income. Lending, staking, yield farming, liquidity provision, and holding tokens are some of the most popular strategies for earning a passive income in the Defi space.

However, each strategy has risks, and before you invest in any DeFi, you must conduct thorough research to avoid evitable mistakes.

Diversifying your investments and putting all your assets in one platform or strategy is also advisable. As with any financial investment, past performances guarantee future results, and all investments carry risk.