QuillAudits Review

30 July, 2023

QuillAudit is a smart contract auditing company that offers various audits for web3 projects. Despite its effective smart contract audit services, there are some potential drawbacks, considering human errors and biases. Plus, with careful planning and negotiation, you can overcome cost constraints.

Shawn Munir
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Shawn Munir
Shawn Munir Shawn Munir Expert Author
Shawn Munir is the CEO of Coinweb.com and spearheads all the collaborative partnerships for the platform. He bought his first Bitcoin in 2017 and never looked back. He is also an investor in 200+ Web3 startups and is considered an expert in the field. Before building Coinweb with his co-founders, he co-founded Presail, a management...
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QuillAudits smart contract
Our Review
  • Reputed in web3 security since 2018.
  • Comprehensive and cost-effective security solutions.
  • Post-audit ecosystem support.
  • Credible portfolio with notable clients.
  • QuillAcademy for free learning opportunities.
  • Limited scope in some audit types.
  • Cost and time constraints for projects.
  • Custom audit cost negotiation may vary.
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This QuillAudit review will explore the smart contract auditing company for Web3 projects. They offer a range of audit packages, including standard, quick, re-audit, and custom options, ensuring the security and credibility of businesses.

Moreover, QuillAudit’s team of qualified professionals uses both superior manual review and automated techniques, but human errors and biases may impact the accuracy of the audit.

On the other hand, the cost and time constraints may pose challenges, so careful planning and negotiation are recommended. In a nutshell, QuillAudit’s credible portfolio of solutions, client testimonials, and QuillAcademy initiative makes it a perfect choice for crypto projects looking for enhanced security.

quillaudits review
QuillAudits Review 2024.

QuillAudit at glance

Coinweb Rating⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (5.0 stars)
Founded In2018
Key ServicesSmart Contract Audits
Supported Networks15+ Blockchains
Payment MethodsCryptocurrencies & Fiat Currencies
Noteable ClientsGameLoft, SushiSwap, Maker DAO
Unique FeatureNotable Clients

Company Overview

QuillAudit provides smart contract auditing services for Web3 projects, focusing on dApps and DeFi protocols. Launched in 2018 by CEO and founder Preetam Rao, it is designed by QuillHash Technologies and aims to create a safer web3 ecosystem by verifying dApp security.

The Web3 security team uses manual and automated techniques to identify errors, bugs, and vulnerabilities.

In addition to auditing, QuillAudit offers web3 security consulting, bug bounty programs, security training, and custom audits. Currently, QuillAudit covers platforms like Ethereum, BSC, Polygon, Solana, and Avalanche.

QuillAudit helps verify smart contracts.
QuillAudit helps verify smart contracts.

Who should use QuillAudit?

QuillAudit is designed for:

  • Web3 Developers: They can benefit from QuillAudit’s comprehensive smart contract audits to ensure security, reliability, and efficiency in their dApps, including DeFi protocols, NFT platforms, and DAOs.
  • Token-based Startups and ICOs: For projects launching tokens and conducting ICOs or IDOs, QuillAudit helps ensure their smart contracts, which handle substantial funds, are fair, compliant, and secure.
  • Investors: QuillAudit aids in safeguarding Web3 investments by providing objective audits of smart contracts, enabling investors to understand the contract’s logic and mitigating investment risks.
Who should use QuillAudit for smart contract audit?
Who should use QuillAudit for smart contract audits?

Fees and costs

QuillAudit offers various audit options, each with different scopes and prices. Here are some:

  • Standard Audit: A comprehensive analysis by expert auditors covering functionality, logic, security, performance, and more. Cost: $10,000 to $15,000 per 1000 LoC.
  • Quick Audit: A faster and cheaper option for security checks, providing a summary of findings. Cost: $5,000 to $7,000 per 1000 LoC.
  • Re-Audit: Follow-up verification of previous issues and new ones. Cost: $2,000 to $3,000 per 1000 LoC.
  • Custom Audit: Flexible, tailored to project needs and budget, price negotiable.

Types of audits offered by QuillAudit

Let’s briefly discuss the types of audits offered by the company:

Web3 Smart Contract Audits

QuillAudit’s Web3 smart contract audits offer meticulous health check-ups, focusing on codes interacting with cryptocurrencies or blockchains. The auditors thoroughly examine the deployed contract code to detect and address any anomalies or security weaknesses.

The aim is to ensure the contracts operate seamlessly and securely, fostering trust among users and investors. This vigilant vetting process safeguards against potential expensive bugs and enhances defenses against cyber threats.

Smart contract audit for security vulnerabilities.
Smart contract audit for security vulnerabilities.

dApps and DeFi Protocol Audits

Tailored for decentralized applications (dApps) and decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols, these audits consider each project’s intricate nature.

Recognizing that these projects interact with other contracts, tokens, oracles, and users, a thorough audit is initially undertaken to pinpoint vulnerabilities, identify loopholes, or uncover code errors.

Consequently, this rigorous evaluation ensures that the project’s logic, functionality, and security align with Web3’s best practices and standards. In doing so, it significantly enhances the overall integrity and efficacy of the project, applications, or protocols.

Find potential security vulnerabilities in dApps.
Find potential security vulnerabilities in dApps.

Standard and quick audits

A team of auditors comprehensively examines every facet of the smart contract code, employing a balanced mix of manual scrutiny and automated techniques.

Firstly, they delve into vital aspects such as functionality, logic, security, performance, gas optimization, code style, documentation, and test coverage.

Then, a Quick Audit is introduced in scenarios ideal for time-pressed projects or those seeking a second opinion. This process offers a rapid but thorough examination, like a quick diagnostic test.

QuillAudits offers automated and manual analysis.
QuillAudits offers automated and manual analysis.

Penetration testing

QuillAudit’s penetration testing is a crucial service that emulates real-world attacks on smart contracts and decentralized applications, assessing their security measures.

Initially, this service identifies vulnerabilities and errors by mimicking potential hacker or malicious actor actions. Through this simulated approach, the results then provide valuable insights. Consequently, developers can fortify and secure their systems, making them more resilient against potential threats.

The fully automated platform offers penetration tests.
The fully automated platform offers penetration tests.

Due diligence and KYC verification

The auditing company’s due diligence, risk, and KYC Verification service ensure the legitimacy and credibility of blockchain projects or platforms.

The process begins with meticulous background checks, followed by legal reviews, then moves on to compliance audits and Know Your Customer (KYC) procedures. By carefully adhering to industry standards and regulations, this service confirms the project or platform’s integrity and provides stakeholders with trust.

Due deligence of dApps to check for security vulnerabilities.
Due diligence of dApps to check for security vulnerabilities.

Additional services

Here are some other services offered by QuillAudit:

Web3 security and bug bounty programs

QuillAudit’s Web3 security and risk consulting service assists in various critical aspects, including security architecture, threat modeling, risk assessment, and adherence to best practices.

Moreover, their expertise extends to efficient deployment strategies. Beyond the initial audit process, QuillAudit provides ongoing support and maintenance to ensure long-term security.

QuillAudit offers enticing bug bounty programs. These initiatives incentivize external hackers and researchers to diligently search for and report security vulnerabilities in smart contracts and dApps.

Security Training and Education

QuillAudit’s commitment to promoting Web3 security extends to education and skill enhancement. They offer various courses, challenges, workshops, and bounties through their QuillAcademy platform.

Whether beginners or seasoned professionals, learners can use interactive and hands-on experiences to master the art of auditing and ethical hacking.

QuillAudit offers complete solution for code readability.
QuillAudit offers a complete solution for code readability.

Why choose QuillAudit?

Here are some reasons that make QuillAudit a solid pick:

Trusted expertise

Their team comprises qualified and experienced Web3 security experts with diverse backgrounds in blockchain development, cryptography, software engineering, and ethical hacking.

Besides that, they have forged partnerships with leading web3 platforms and organizations such as Polygon, Chainlink, Aave, Uniswap, and ConsenSys, ensuring the highest quality and security standards for their audits.

Credible portfolio and client testimonials

QuillAudit boasts a credible business portfolio of over 1000 projects they have audited and secured, spanning diverse business domains like DeFi, NFT, DAO, and gaming. Among their notable business clients are industry giants like SushiSwap, Curve Finance, Synthetix, MakerDAO, and Compound.

The rigorous and transparent audit process

QuillAudit employs both manual and automated methods to examine critical aspects closely. Initially, they focus on functionality, logic, security, performance, gas optimization, and coding style. Additionally, they pay attention to documentation and test coverage. Finally, formal verification tools are utilized to prove the correctness and safety of the code, ensuring a comprehensive analysis.

QuillAudit follows a rigirous smart contract code audit.
QuillAudit follows a rigorous smart contract code audit.

Dedicated GitHub Repository

QuillAudit maintains a dedicated GitHub repository, where they generously share their code, tools, resources, and reports related to smart contract auditing and security.

Furthermore, they actively contribute to open-source projects and libraries that benefit Web3 developers and smart contract auditors.

QuillAcademy for Web3 enthusiasts.
QuillAcademy for Web3 enthusiasts.

How to contact QuillAudit for their service?

Follow these steps to get in touch with QuillAudit:

  • 15+
  • $3000-$35,000
Payment Options
  • Fiat & Crypto

More details

QuillAudit is a smart contract auditing company that offers various audits for web3 projects. Despite its effective smart contract audit services, there are some potential drawbacks, considering human errors and biases. Plus, with careful planning and negotiation, you can overcome cost constraints.

  • Reputed in web3 security since 2018.

  • Comprehensive and cost-effective security solutions.

  • Post-audit ecosystem support.

  • Credible portfolio with notable clients.

  • QuillAcademy for free learning opportunities.

  • Limited scope in some audit types.

  • Cost and time constraints for projects.

  • Custom audit cost negotiation may vary.

Step 1: Visit the website

Start by visiting the QuillAudit website. Click the [Request An Audit] on the top right corner of the page.

Get in touch to ensure your platform's integrity.
Step 1: Visit the website

Step 2: Provide details about your projects

Next, you must give some information about your project and expected services. Click [Let’s Get Started] to move forward.

Provide your project information.
Step 2: Provide details about your projects

Step 3: Submit the form

After filling out the form, submit it and wait for the team to contact you.

Wait for the team to contact you.
Step 3: Submit the form

Drawbacks of QuillAudit

White QuillAudit offers some state-of-the-art services but lacks in some areas. Let’s explore:

  • Limited scope and depth of audits: Depending on the project’s complexity, they may only cover some aspects that affect smart contract security. Quick audits might miss subtle vulnerabilities, re-audits may overlook new issues after code changes and could lack adherence to web3 security standards.
  • Human errors and biases: QuillAudit employs both manual analysis and automated techniques for smart contract analysis. However, both methods are susceptible to human errors and biases. Manual auditors might miss issues due to fatigue or oversight, while automated tools can generate false positives/negatives.
  • Cost and time constraints: QuillAudit fees may pose affordability issues for some projects with low budgets or high risk. Additionally, auditing timelines can be lengthy due to auditor availability and workload, impacting projects with tight deadlines.
Drawbacks of QuillAudit.
QuillAudits partners.

QuillAudits Review: Our Verdict

QuillAudit emerges as a reliable, secure, and reputable smart contract auditing service for Web3 projects. With access to their range of audit options, developers, entrepreneurs, and investors can enhance the security and functionality of their projects.

While the audit process may have limitations and potential human biases, QuillAudit’s experienced audit experts strive for accuracy and transparency.

With an impressive portfolio of solutions, client testimonials, and QuillAcademy initiative, QuillAudit is valuable in fortifying the Web3 ecosystem and ensuring access to a safer digital future.