Assets Under Management (AUM)

Understanding Assets Under Management (AUM)

Assets under management (AUM), also known as funds under management, refers to the total market value of investments or assets managed by hedge funds, mutual funds, or wealth management companies on behalf of their clients.

The AUM value fluctuates based on the performance of the funds and the inflow or outflow of investor funds.

BlackRocks Asset Under Management (AUM)

BlackRock has $9T Asset Under Management (AUM) in 2022 | Source:

AUM and Simplified Management

AUM is a well-known concept in the cryptocurrency and decentralized finance (DeFi) space.

Cryptocurrency traders new to the crypto world often face the challenge of finding a reliable wallet and exchange supporting their desired cryptocurrencies.

This process can be overwhelming for beginners. Choosing wallets and exchanges that support a wide range of coins and tokens is preferable.

To simplify the complexities involved, many agencies are introducing asset management tools.

These crypto asset management platforms help customers consolidate their holdings, eliminating the need to manage multiple accounts and wallets.