
Understanding Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) is a disruptive concept that challenges the traditional financial system’s reliance on intermediaries.

In conventional financial transactions, intermediaries oversee and control the process, which can lead to delays, restrictions, and additional costs.

Decentralized Finance

Decentralized Finance Explanation | Source: Investopedia

DeFi’s Vision

The DeFi movement advocates for a decentralized financial system that operates without monopolistic third-party providers.

This approach appeals to those with political or philosophical motivations and those seeking increased transaction efficiency and speed.

Diverse Players in DeFi

Within the realm of DeFi, there is a diverse range of participants.

Many prominent applications are built on the Ethereum blockchain, leveraging smart contract technology to minimize or eliminate the need for human or corporate gatekeepers.

Shaping the Future of Finance

DeFi providers are actively developing alternatives to traditional financial services and introducing innovative products.

While DeFi is gaining momentum and attracting significant investment, it’s important to note that the industry is still in its early stages, with some high-profile failures.

Nonetheless, many experts believe that DeFi represents the future of financial services.

Contrasting Paradigms in Expanding Financial Access

It’s crucial to distinguish DeFi from embedded finance (invisible finance), which focuses on expanding access to banking and payments technology within the traditional financial services and fintech sectors.