
What Is Skynet?

Skynet is a protocol built on the Sia blockchain that aims to provide decentralized storage solutions, facilitating content delivery and file sharing on the internet. It can be viewed as an alternative infrastructure for the internet, offering a decentralized approach.

To understand Skynet, being familiar with Sia and its functionalities is essential. Sia is a blockchain platform designed for users to rent out a portion of their hard drives, allowing others to store encrypted data on those rented portions. This setup ensures that users have full control over their data. The rental payments for the storage space are made using Siacoins (SC), the native token of Sia.

Sia is owned by its parent company, Nebulous, and utilizes the Proof-of-Work (PoW) algorithm, making it a mineable cryptocurrency. It is an open-source project; however, the parent company charges a small commission from lenders and borrowers when creating storage contracts.

Skynet is based on the principle that users should control their data instead of relying on third-party corporations. Its most prominent applications are web-based, where users can access Skynet web applications using a standard web browser. Skynet applications encompass various categories, including social media sites, storage apps, desktop apps, and mobile apps.

What Sets Skynet Apart?

Skynet differentiates itself by liberating users from centralized servers. In the traditional web, website owners must host their sites on servers controlled by hosting providers. Skynet, being decentralized, empowers users to have full control over their data.

The protocol benefits developers and users, enabling them to be part of Web3. Developers can host their applications without paying for traditional hosting, maintain failover sites, and prevent corporations from accessing their resources.