
What Is Proof-of-Replication?

Proof-of-Replication (PoRep), commonly associated with Filecoin, is a method by which storage miners demonstrate to the network that they possess a unique copy of data designated for the network.

Validating Storage Integrity

PoRep serves as a proof-of-retrievability mechanism within a proof-of-space framework.

Essentially, PoRep enables a “prover” to validate that they are genuinely utilizing storage space to store replicas of specific information or data.

Additionally, PoRep ensures that the stored data can be easily accessed, or “retrieved.”

Balancing Storage and Bandwidth

In a proof-of-replication system, network participants aim to become provers and allocate as much storage capacity as possible.

In return for their storage space, they receive rewards from the network.

Critics of proof-of-replication systems argue that while the use of PoRep by storage providers enhances durability by ensuring data availability in the event of node failures, it overlooks the bandwidth implications of transferring replicated data when adding new nodes to the redundancy pool.