
Understanding Trading Pairs

A trading pair, often referred to as a pair, combines two cryptocurrencies that facilitates trading on a digital currency exchange.

It indicates which cryptocurrencies can be exchanged during a trade and is typically represented by a dash (—) or a slash (/) separating the two coins.

Trading pairs allow traders to buy BTC with ETH or sell Bitcoin to acquire ETH.

They play a fundamental role in cryptocurrency exchanges by enabling the exchange of different digital assets.

Unveiling Common Principles

In addition to crypto-to-crypto pairs, exchanges that support fiat currencies may also have fiat/crypto pairs. However, the underlying principles remain the same.

In a trading pair, the first is the base currency, while the second is the quote currency.

When selecting a trading pair, several factors come into play.

It is essential to consider whether the desired exchange supports the pair and whether the pair has sufficient liquidity.

Opting for a trading pair with low liquidity or trading volume may result in more extended order fulfillment times or incomplete order execution.