Gavin Wood

Gavin Wood: Co-founder of Parity Technologies and Web3 Foundation

Gavin Wood is a prominent figure in the blockchain space, known for his contributions to the development of Ethereum and his role as a co-founder of Parity Technologies.

He is also the president and founder of the Web3 Foundation, an organization dedicated to advocating for the decentralization of the Internet.

Gavin Wood

Gavin Wood

Pioneering Ethereum’s Foundations

As one of Ethereum’s co-founders and former chief technology officer (CTO), Gavin was crucial in creating the first functional Ethereum implementation.

He was instrumental in proposing and writing the code for Solidity, the smart contract programming language used by Ethereum.

Additionally, he authored the yellow paper outlining the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).

Gavin Wood’s Shift to Polkadot

In 2016, Gavin shifted his focus to a new project called Polkadot. Polkadot is a multi-chain blockchain ecosystem designed to enable the development of interoperable decentralized applications (DApps).

It allows developers to determine transaction fees and block confirmation speed, distinguishing it from Ethereum.

Gavin’s vision with Polkadot is to establish seamless transactions between private and public blockchains, bridging network differences and facilitating frictionless project interactions.