
What Is Baking?

Baking is a process utilized by the Tezos blockchain to append new blocks of transactions to its ledger.

Tezos operates on a delegated-proof-of-stake system, where participants known as bakers receive rewards for baking and validating blocks.

If you become a baker, you will run a full node to maintain the network and produce new blocks in the Tezos blockchain.

Bakers are rewarded with additional XTZ tokens for their participation in the baking process.

The two main types of Tezos blockchain accounts:

  1. The first type is implicit accounts, the only accounts allowed to participate in baking. Implicit accounts can bake using their balance or through delegated accounts.
  2. The second type is originated accounts, which can be delegated but are not directly involved in baking. A unique key is assigned to these accounts to participate in the consensus algorithm. It’s worth noting that delegates can be reassigned to different accounts.