
What Is Anarcho-Capitalism?

Anarcho-capitalism advocates for the abolition of centralized states and emphasizes the significance of private property and contractual agreements within the economic system.

According to anarcho-capitalists, the existing form of the state hinders the development of a truly “free” society and creates a system of coercion within capitalist societies.

Embracing Free Markets and Decentralization for True Freedom

This political philosophy upholds the free market as the foundation of genuine freedom, promoting the idea that individuals should be free to engage in contractual agreements independent of state control or oversight.

Instead of relying on the state for contract enforcement and dispute resolution, anarcho-capitalists propose that private agencies in a competitive free market should assume these responsibilities.

Anarcho-capitalists argue for the private ownership of the means of production and advocate for work and commodities to be organized through wage labor.

Many anarcho-capitalists view blockchain-based decentralized technologies as potential solutions to practical issues within anarcho-capitalism.

They contend that decentralized services offer an alternative to the bureaucratic functions of the state by providing immutable and publicly accessible records for identity and contractual obligations facilitated by smart contracts.